Monday, September 17, 2007


Although this journal is to record my yoga experiences and that I might be leaving a lot of my other life out, that really is not the case. My life and schedule seems to revolve around yoga at the present moment. I did three classes over the weekend and taught two, one of which I participated in. I also worked on my homestudy and choreographed two classes. Plus I did extra reading in the yoga therapy books I bought recently.

The weekend was short. I have to teach tomorrow morning and am going to practice at home tonight and kick John in the butt to practice too. I am also choreographing a flow class and might be teaching my first one on Friday. Julie asked me to sub so I told her to ask Marit. My Tuesday class is basically a flow as it is so I just need to lengthen it a little.

My Yin class is going really well and Yin is the practice I am using to try to be less of a pusher in my normal 5-6 Bikram classes each week. Yin is easier to do at home and more relaxing. I practiced with the Yin class I taught last night and the women loved that class. I had John do a class at home with candles and he complained much less than he normally does. He is my worst student. He does nothing but whine and complain and keeps telling me he can’t do it. I am pushing him though. His spine is practically petrified and it will just get worse as he ages.

This man who works with financial reporting with me at work came over today and told me about his back. Talk about a candidate for yoga therapy. He is 69 and just discovered he has quite a back problem. His spine is totally misshapen because he lies on the floor and has for 30 years. I thought he meant while he sleeps, but no. He lays on the floor every night and watches tv and reads the paper. He went to a doctor who gave him muscle relaxers which of course did nothing. So now he has gone to a chiropractor for a couple of months and claim it has helped. I mentioned yoga to him but he had no response to it. I am sure the chiro can help, but would love a patient like that for yoga therapy. Of course, people want a quick fix. He would expect results immediately, but I can only imagine that getting his spine in line would take a long time. I think I will research this a little.

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