Thursday, September 20, 2007


Tomorrow I am teaching my first Intermediate Flow to sub Julie’s class. I am using bits of choreography from other classes, my 6 am class, and some Astanga asanas that are a little more advanced than some of the flow classes at our studio. I really want to challenge them so I hope they like it. I have to find some music too so I have a lot to do before tomorrow at four.

I haven’t gone to the studio to practice since Sunday but am focusing on my home Yin practice. I am going to Bikrams tonight because I feel I need to work it out really hard.

I am experimenting with my diet and am going raw for a week. I hope I can do it for more than a few days but right now really have my mind set on a week. I feel very heavy and like things are not flowing right. I need to unclog the drain or something. I don’t feel very energized lately and am not sleeping well.

Marit sent around the new schedule for fall. She is adding quite a few classes so I hope to teach more. I have been teaching a lot but mostly just taking sub classes and I only have two scheduled classes. I would like more and since I teach Yin and Flow now, I can pretty much teach everything they offer so that gives me more flexibility. I am low on the Flow list though since we have Baptiste and Shiva Rea trained teachers but that is okay. I don’t mind just subbing for those for a while and I need to practice teaching that a while so I get in my comfort zone with teaching Flow. It is so different from teaching Bikrams and I feel like I have to change it up more whereas with Bikrams I always am teaching the same thing. I like the flexibility of flow but I also like not having to prepare for classes.

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